Diligent’s New Cyber Risk Scorecard

Following the influx of virtual work and businesses shifting to digital, board directors need a way to measure cyber risk, benchmark against peers, and prioritise action. With Diligent, directors keep a pulse on cybersecurity and fortify their organisations with proprietary data and analytics.




"The systemic risk of businesses has changed dramatically, and directors need a fresh lens on this. How are we looking at systemic risk today? It has morphed in its dimensions, particularly in the realm of cyber risk. When you live in a virtual world, cyber criminals are much better at using it. How are directors keeping their fingers on the pulse of this risk?"

Phyllis Campbell: Chairman, Pacific Northwest region for JPMorgan Chase & Co.   

Built for Modern Leaders

Stay on top of risk, ahead of your peers, and find actionable ways to improve your cybersecurity posture with Diligent’s Cyber Risk Scorecard.

For Board Members, General Counsels & Audit Committees

Continuously monitor cybersecurity posture by:

  • Understanding cybersecurity scores compared with your industry
  • Identifying trends and key factors influencing the score
  • Benchmarking your score against peers
  • Drilling deeper to identify investments and infrastructure needs
  • Continuously monitoring scores to stay alert to changes over time


For Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) & Security Teams

Empower your board and dive deeper to reduce cyber risk by:

  • Gaining visibility into your cybersecurity posture
  • Quantifying the risk of threat actors and attack methods
  • Identifying actions to reduce risk and improve posture
  • Creating a data-driven narrative to prioritise investments
  • Building a full cyber intelligence program


"We had not looked enough at cybersecurity, which became a much greater risk with everyone working from home. It also showed me that many of the kinds of people on boards today are no longer the best people to manage current risk horizons. Eighty to ninety percent of board members are out of their depth with cybersecurity"

Sonia Villalobos: Board Member, Telefonica Vivo, LATAM Airlines and EcoRodovias.   

Reach out to learn more.

Connect with the Diligent team to start keeping a pulse on cybersecurity.


Diligent's Cyber Risk Scorecard is powered by SecurityScorecard and will be available starting in February.

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